Gamers With Jobs - Conference Call (podcasts)
The official podcast of, the GWJCC is our way of providing a podcast that feels like you are hanging out with friends after a long day in the office. We strive for smart, in-depth discussions about the latest games and gaming-related news, as well as light, playful tangents. We're always thrilled to talk about the new hotness, explore fun and strange indie gems, and revisit games old and new.


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Graham Rowat reads Son of Pong - written by John DeVore

Read the original article: Son of Pong - Coming of age as the child of a video game junkie
Check out more readings by Graham Rowat for Gamers With Jobs

To contact us, email! Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about, or whatever else is on your mind.

Direct download: Graham_Rowat_reads_Son_of_Pong_by_John_DeVore.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:10am CST

Episode 167 - December 23rd, 2009

Gran Turismo 5 Demo, X-Com, Windows 7, A Special Christmas Reading, Your Christmas Stories, Emails and more!

Our Christmas show has arrived! Using the combined voice talents of the GWJ staff (and friends), we present to you a special reading of The Night Before Christmas along with a tone of Christmas stories submitted by the community. Lara Crigger and Julian Murdoch also chime in with theirs! Great work everyone and happy holidays!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_12_23_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:05am CST

Episode 166 - December 16th, 2009

Dante's Inferno, The Saboteur, PixelJunk Shooter, WoW 3.3 Patch, Dicks and Opinions, Your Emails and more!

This week what begins as a perfectly fine conversation about strong opinions turns into a vile ambush on Shawn Andrich by one Sean Sands. What a dick.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_12_16_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:06am CST

Episode 165 - December 9th, 2009

Lego Indiana Jones 2, Dragon Age, Super Mario Bros Wii, L4D 2, Travel Gaming, Exercise, Japan, Your Emails and more!

This week Cory and Sean return to regale us with tales from their adventure on the Arabian Sea. We also talk about what we're thinking when it comes to Japan, laptop gaming and a good bit more. Don't forget to send in your Christmast stories!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_12_09_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:41am CST

Episode 164 - December 2nd, 2009

Dragon Age, Mario Bros Wii, L4D 2, A Big Old Fashioned Email Show, A special Christmas Request and more!

This week we catch up on emails as we recover from Thanksgiving. We also request Christmas memories from our listeners!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_12_02_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:41am CST

Episode 163 - November 25th, 2009

Assassin's Creed 2, Left 4 Dead 2, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Modern Warfare 2, Special Guest: Joystiq's Chris Grant, The Trouble With Emergence, Your Emails and more!

This week Chris Grant answers for his scathing Left 4 Dead 2 review. We also talk about the perils of emergent game design and how bad Rabbit is at nearly everything.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_11_25_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:42pm CST

Episode 162 - November 18th, 2009

Modern Warfare 2, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Dragon Age, Sequels Rock! EA's Rumblings, Your Emails and more!

This week we absolutely do not talk about "No Russian" in Modern Warfare 2. Seriously, we might be the only podcast that doesn't, but we will if you REALLY want us to. We do talk about sequels and look at where EA stands now two years since the last time we stuck them under the microscope.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_11_18_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:41pm CST

Episode 161 - November 11th, 2009

Lego Rockband, Dragon Age, Growing Pains In The PC Scene, Cory Banks Visits Runic Games (Torchlight), We Launch The Conference Call iPhone App! Your Emails and more!

What a show we have for you this week! Some Epic (spoiler free) Dragon Age Talk with Michael Zenke, Cory visits the Runic Games offices and talks Torchlight with the designers and we're launching the GWJ Conference Call iPhone app!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_11_11_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:40pm CST

Episode 160 - November 4th, 2009

Forza 3, Torchlight, Uncharted 2 Coop, Hive, Our Hurting Wallets, Sacred Gaming Spaces, The Fall Gaming Scene, Your Emails and more!

This week Rob Borges makes his triumphant return and snatches the hosting mic for good measure. They talk about how they're coping with the Fall gaming rush and a whole bunch of other things that aren't Dragon Age.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_11_04_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:42pm CST

Episode 159 - October 28th, 2009

Uncharted 2, Panzer General: Allied Assault, Brutal Legend, Borderlands
(A Little), Bioshock Spoiler Section, Scary Games & What Works, Your Emails and more!

This week Lara Crigger joins the cast for her first full non-live show! We talk scary games, answer some pressing emails and we finally record a Bioshock Spoiler Section. You can catch that after the credits if you really want to take your drinking game straight to the emergency room.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_10_28_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:37am CST

Episode 158 - October 21th, 2009

Uncharted 2, Brutal Legend, An Insightful Interview With John Davison About Moving on From What They Play and His New Role at GamePro, Real People In Video Games, Your Emails and more!

This week Julian sits down with John Davison to talk about moving on from What They Play and the future of GamePro magazine. The guys also dive into the hot(ish) new(ish) trend of real actors getting into video games.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_10_21_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:37am CST

Episode 157 - October 14th, 2009

Extra Swearing, Dungeon Hunter (iPhone), Scribblenauts, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, Lucidity, New Boardgames, Our Donation Drive Winners, Your Emails and more!

This week we surprise Julian "Rabbit" Murdoch and storm Rabbitcon to do a live show. Donation drive winners are announced, games are discussed and we take questions from the live audience. Warning to our more delicate listeners, this episode is a bit more rambunctious and foul-mouthed than usual.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_10_14_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:35am CST

Episode 156 - October 7th, 2009

Risen, New L4D Map, Scribblenauts, Chris Remo From Idle Thumbs Talks Mass Effect... Bitch! Tons of Your Emails and more!

This week we play catch up on all of your awesome emails and voicemails! We also announce the next live show coming this Saturday at 8pm EST. Keep an eye on the GWJ front page for Ustream details as we get closer to the show.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_10_07_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am CST

Episode 155 - September 30th, 2009

Brutal Legend Demo, Aion, Space Hulk, Special Guest Wes Wilson From Control Point, Community Gaming Issues, Your Emails and more!

This week, Control Point's Wes Wilson joins us to talk about his crushing MMO addiction, their recent love from Valve and what rabbit does in the tub when he's happy. Special thanks to Dumb Blond, Dead for the music this week!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_09_30_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am CST

Episode 154 - September 23rd, 2009

Majesty 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum (PC), Aion Launching, NHL 10, Designing and Selling Complexity, Emails and more!

This week, Hasbro principle game designer Rob Daviau joins us to talk designing and selling games. Sean Sands also tells us exactly what kind of guy he isn't.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_09_23_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:19am CST

Episode 153 - September 16th, 2009

The Beatles: Rock Band, Aion, Talisman, Braid, Pax Impressions, An Interview With The Beatles: Rock Band Lead Designer Chris Foster, Your Seventh Question, Emails and more!

This week we return to your letters and read some of your own questions from Episode 151. We also quick hit some smaller topics, read your emails and play a few voicemails for measure.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_09_16_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:19am CST

Episode 152 - September 9th, 2009

Champions Online, Sean Gets an iPhone, The Geek Community, Your Live Questions and more!

This week Sean, Rob and Julian hold down the fort and do a surprising amount of disagreeing at each other. They also announce some details about the donation drive! But then, if you read the site, you already know about that. Don't forget to submit your own question for the list! If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_09_09_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:18am CST

Episode 151 - September 2nd, 2009

Batman: Arkham Asylum, WoW Cataclysm, Wet is Terrible, Seven Questions, Your Emails and more!

This week Michael Zenke joins us as we formulate seven questions that must be answered well for a game to be considered good. Don't forget to submit your own question for the list! We also announce the upcoming live show this weekend!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_09_02_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:49pm CST

Episode 150 - August 26th, 2009

Wolfenstein, Shadow Complex, Spider, Special Guest Ken Levine, Do Lead Designers Matter Anymore? Your Emails and more!

This week 2k Boston's Ken Levine joins us to celebrate our 150th episode! We talk about whether or not he's necessary, game design, Rabbit's horrible, horrible taste in iPhone games and more! Thanks to Ian "Podunk" Dorsch for music from his work on Love.

To contact us, email! Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a 30 second audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563!

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_08_26_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:49pm CST

Episode 149 - August 19th, 2009

District 9, Section 8, Fat Princess, Rabbit's IIL Sturmovik Hangups, Dawn of Discovery, Lots and Lots of Your Emails and more!

This week we're clearing out the email backlog in preperation for the Fall gaming season. Only one more week before our big 150th show!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. You can also submit a question or comment by calling in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_08_19_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:48am CST

Episode 148 - August 12th, 2009

Batman: Arkham Asylum, IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey, Starcraft Watching, Wipeout Pure (The Purest), Special Guest and Love Developer Eskil Steenberg, The future of Motion, Platforms & Tech, Your Emails and more!

This week we're joined by indie game developer Eskil Steenberg, maker of Love. It turns out the man behind such an enigmatic game has an interesting opinion on just about anything. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_08_12_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:03am CST

Episode 147 - August 5th, 2009

Wii Sports Resort, Fat Princess, Splosion Man, Mod Tools And What We Use Them For, Your Emails and more!

This week Todd "Sephiroctic" Robinson joins Julian, Cory and Rob to talk gaming mod tools, exploding men and Cory's love of cake. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_08_05_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:02am CST

Episode 146 - July 29th, 2009

Demon's Souls, Madden 10 Demo, Shatter, Our Live Three Year Anniversary, Revisiting Game Violence, Studio Audience Questions and more!

It's our three year anniversary and we did a live show this past weekend to celebrate! This is an edited version of that event, so sit back, relax and enjoy. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_07_29_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:06am CST

Episode 145 - July 22nd, 2009

Worms iPhone, Blood Bowl, What You Don't Know About Trash Panic, Fallout 3 Modding, Talkin' Bout Grunts, Live Show This Saturday, Your Emails and more!

This week we dig deep for new game discussion and talk about all the red shirt enemies we wade through in our games. Stay tuned on Saturday, July 25th (8pm EST) for our live show as we celebrate our three year annivesary! If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_07_22_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:10am CST

Episode 144 - July 15th, 2009

Trine, Jules Verne's Return to Mysterious Island, Doom resurrection, Tales of Monkey Island, Worms 2 XBLA, Are Game Developers Losing Confidence In Their Audience? Your Emails and more!

As promised, we clock in with a good ol'fashioned Conference Call this week. Lots of games, an obtuse topic of discussion and plenty of emails comlete with bonus commentary on the quality of writing. Special thanks to Robert Ashley's I Come To Shanghai for some music from their album! If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_07_15_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:10am CST

Episode 143 - July 8th, 2009

A Little Something Different This Week, D&D Chat, Russ Pitts From The Escapist, Elyisum & His Wife, Your Emails and more!

With everyone wrapped up in holiday festivities and weddings, we did the show a bit differently this week. Rather than sit down to record the show together, we all pitched in on our own time and submitted some audio. These segments were than stitched together by the insane rantings of one Gorgeous Rob Borges. Hope you like it! We're back to a regular show next week. if you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_07_08_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:10am CST

Episode 142 - July 1st, 2009

Arma 2, Overlord II, Trine, Zonk's Impressions of Mass Effect iPhone, King's Bounty, Special Guest Chris Remo From Idle Thumbs! A First Look At Dungeons & Dragons Online Free to Play Change, id Goes Bethesda's Way, Bioware Mates With Mythic, Our Contest Winners, Your Emails and more!

This week Chris Remo joins us to talk games, news and his strong, principled stance against piracy, Gamefaqs and murder! We also have a special hands-on look at the new Dungeons & Dragons Online free to play system and announce our GoG contest winners. You people are spoiled. Spoiled! If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_07_01_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:17am CST

Episode 141 - June 24th, 2009

Ghostbusters With The Drunken Gamers, Magic The Gathering on Xbox Live, A Little WoW, The Rental Industry & First Impressions, A New Good Old Games Contest, Your Emails and more!

We have a very special episode this week with a new contest, a special appearance by the Drunken Gamers and a great deal more! To enter the contest, send in your pick for which game you'd get from and why to If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_06_24_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:13pm CST

Episode 140 - June 17th, 2009

Prototype, Tiger Woods 10 (Wii), Sims 3, AAA Blockbuster Games, Your Emails and more!

This week Cory Banks is in the captain's seat as he steers the show through the treacherous waters of AAA Blockbuster games. Also, Sean Sands uses saucy language to make his point! If you want to submit a question or coment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_06_17_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:07am CST

Episode 139 - June 10th, 2009

Red Faction: Guerrilla, Sims 3, inFamous, Uncharted 2 Beta, Overlord II Demo, Our Lesser Known E3 Picks, Your Emails and more!

This week Michael Zenke joins us to discuss the aftermath of E3 and some of the lesser noticed games from the show. We also delve into some of our favorites and bask in the afterglow of a rather excellent E3. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_06_10_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:24am CST

Episode 138 - June 3rd, 2009

InFamous, Fight Night Round 4, Red Faction Multiplayer, PR Boasts and Blunders, Your Emails and more!

It's E3 week and we're pretty much not going to talk about it at all! Considering how much coverage is flying around out there, you can consider this a favor. Instead, we talk about some of the bigger PR gaffes over the past decade and the kind of marketing we can get behind. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_06_03_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:20am CST

Episode 137 - May 27th, 2009

Live From Rabbitcon! Punch Out, InFamous, Lots of Boardgames, Questions From The Audience and more!

This week we have the show we recorded live in front of an internet audience at this year's Rabbitcon! Big thanks once again to everyone who took the time to tune in and listen to us somewhat drunkenly converse. Read on for the show notes and Rabbit's list of all the board games we played. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_05_27_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:17am CST

Episode 136 - May 20th, 2009

Sacred 2 On 360, Patapon 2, Shiren The Wanderer, IL2, Quarentine 2019, Catching Up on Your Emails, A Big Live Show This Sunday and more!

This week we get caught up on the email pile as we prepare for the big live show coming this Sunday. If you want to listen in and chat as we record the show, stay tuned to the front page of Gamers With Jobs at 8pm EST on Sunday, May 24th! If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_05_20_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:17am CST

Episode 135 - May 13th, 2009

Plants Vs. Zombies, Battlefield: Heroes, Free Realms CCG, A Spoiler Section Interview With Plants vs. Zombies Creator George Fan, Our Gaming Aversion Experiment, Your Emails and more!

We have a jam packed show this week as we dissect our gaming aversion and pledge to push our horizons out a bit further. We also have a special one on one interview with George Fan for all the folks who can't get enough of Plants Vs. Zombies! If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_05_13_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:17am CST

Episode 134 - May 6th, 2009

Plants Vs. Zombies, Wolverine, Bionic Commando Multiplayer, Free Realms, Demigod Half Cooked, A Special Interview With Penny Arcade's Jerry "Tycho" Holkins, A Chance to Win The World Ends With You, Your Emails and more!

This week, Penny Arcade's Jerry "Tycho" Holkins sits down with Cory for some coffee and conversation about a wide range of gaming topics. Sean Sands also reveals his deep shame and offers you a way to benefit from it in the form of a new contest! If you want to submit a question or comment, call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_05_06_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:09pm CST

Episode 133 - April 29th, 2009

Left 4 Dead: Survival, Demigod, Red Faction: Guerrilla, The Origins of Peggle on WoW, The Hunter, PopCap Creative Director & Co-Founder Jason Kapalka, A Chance to Win the Dishwasher! Your Emails and more!

We're very pleased to be joined by PopCap's own Jason Kapalka this week! Bejeweled, Peggle, Zuma and the upcoming Plants Vs. Zombies are just some of the many brain-eating games brought to us by PopCap. We delve into how Peggle ended up in WoW, PopCap's MMO death pool, the possibility of a PopCap RPG, strategic partnerships and a whole lot more. There's also a chance to win a code for the Dishwasher on Xbox Live thanks to DrJonez! Finally, if you'd like to fill out our GWJ Conference Call Survey we'd appreciate it! if you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_04_29_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:01pm CST

Episode 132 - April 22nd, 2009

Demigod, The Hunter, Uniwar, Endgames, The Nefarious Digirati, Your Emails and more!

This week it's all hands on deck for a special conversation about how games end and what some of the best and worst are. We also spend some time listening to Cory and Julian tell us how they're absolutely not elitist. they were kind of snobs about it though. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_04_22_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:56pm CST

Episode 131 - April 15th, 2009

The Hunter, Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, Aqua Art Styles, The DSi, Elven Legacy, Crowd Sourced Questions, Your Emails and more!

This week, in a desperate effort to remain relevant in these changing times, we turn to Twitter for our inspiration. All kinds of user submitted questions up in this... hizzy? Hizzous? I'm sorry. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_04_15_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:11am CST

Episode 130 - April 8th, 2009

The Dishwasher, Battleforge, Legend of Zork, Dinner With GWJ, Your Emails and more!

This week the crew talks about which gaming industry luminaries they'd like to have dinner with. Somehow, William Shatner squeaks onto the list anyways. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_04_08_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:07am CST

Episode 129 - April 1st, 2009

Uno Rush, DoW 2, Hasbro Family Game Night, Laser Face Jones, Let's Golf, Vampire Bloodlines, Quake Live, Underappreciated Technology, The Contest Winner, Your Emails and more!

This week Sean Sands puts on the hosting hat as the crew ruminates on old gaming technologies. Suck it , OnLive. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_04_01_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:01am CST

Episode 128 - March 25th, 2009

Resident Evil 5, World of Goo, The Path, Julian Hates Empire: Total War, Gaming on The Fringe, A New Contest! Your Emails and more!

This week we get back to basics and tackle fringe gaming. Gamin systems vs. environments, how it informs the mainstream and what the future may hold. We're also launching a new contest this week! Win a Steam copy of Empire: Total War. Just listen to the audio file submitted by TempestBlayze and send your answers to! If you want to submit a question or coment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_03_25_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:44pm CST

Episode 127 - March 18th, 2009

Empire: Total War, Puzzle Quest: Galactrix, Mad World, Resident Evil 5, Your Emails and more!

The emails are piling up this week so we're going to take some time and answer as many as we can! Cory and Shawn were hoping to do a spoiler section for Resident Evil 5 but they only just finished the game ... 5 minutes ago. We'll catch you up next week! If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_03_18_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:38pm CST

Episode 126 - March 11th, 2009

Empire: Total War, GTA IV: The Lost & Damned, Killzone 2, Matt Hazard, Special Guest Robert Ashley, Gaming Culture, A Lif Well Wasted, Getting Into the Game Industry, Your Emails and more!

This week we're very pleased to be joined by Robert Ashley, the man behind the sexy hot A Life Well Wasted podcast. We discuss gaming culture, the worst day of Robert's life and a great deal more. We also have a special audio answer from our own Sephirotic on game development schools and what to look for. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_03_11_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:11am CST

Episode 125 - March 4th, 2009

Killzone 2, Retro Games Challenge, Sins of a Solar Empire: Entrenchment,
Special Guest Ironclad's Blair Fraser, Overcoming Cheese, Design Challenges, Your Emails and more!

This week Ironclad's Blair Fraser delivers the latest on Sins of a Solar Empire, their awesomely small company and his complete lack of a cellphone of any kind. We also dig deep on design challenges, the marketing risk of trying to sell A.I features over flashy new units and lots more. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_03_04_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:18pm CST

Episode 124 - February 25th, 2009

Dawn of War 2, Men of War, F.E.A.R 2, Street Fighter IV, Empire Total War Demo, Special Guest Shawn Elliott, Innovation, Your Emails, Voicemails and more!

This week 2k Boston's Shawn Elliott joins us to catch up on all the games he's playing, his Second Life adventures and a bevy of other interesting topics! If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_02_25_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:08am CST

Episode 123 - February 18th, 2009

F.E.A.R 2, Flower, Hawx, Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim, An Auditorium Interview With Cipher Prime's Will and Dain, Game Music, A new Feature, your Emails and more!

Boy, do we have a show for you this week! Lots of new games, an interview with the creators of Auditorium and an ornery Coy Banks keeping us all in line. We're also trying a new once-in-while feature out this week, let us know what you think! If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_02_18_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:06am CST

Episode 122 - February 11th, 2009

Kilzone 2, Halo Wars, Afro Samurai, Lugaru, Mortal Kombat Vs. DC, Auditorium, Michael Zenke Has a Big Announcement! Developer Track Records, Your Emails and more!

This week Michael "Zonk" Zenke joins us to announce his big career change! We also talk about developer track records, melting panties, alternate reality games and more. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_02_11_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:01am CST

Episode 121 - February 4th, 2009

A special Show From Rabbit Con, Board Games, Rock Band, Face To Face Gaming and more!

This week we have a very special show as Cory "Demiurge" Banks, Lara "KaterinLHC" Crigger and Erick "Wordsmythe" Hanson join Julian Murdoch live from his basement studio. The crew talks about what they're playing, gaming in person and shares some recording from the gathering. If you want to submit a question or comment, call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_02_04_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:49pm CST

Episode 120 - January 28th, 2009

FEAR 2, Dominion, Puzzle Quest: Galactrix, Mario Party 8, Mona The Assassin, Your Emails, Voicemails and more!

With next week's Rabbit-Con show rapidly approaching we tackle extra emails and voice mails to catch up on the backlog. Gaming triumphs, losing yourself, the Zune revolution and much more. If you want to submit a question or comment, call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_01_28_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:44pm CST

Episode 119 - January 21st, 2009

Red Alert 3, Fable 2 DLC Pack, Crayon Physics, The Recession and The Gaming Industry, Your Emails, Voicemails and more!

This week we tackle the economy and how the recession may impact the gaming industry and the games we actually play. It's more interesting than it sounds, I promise! We also announce Sean Sand's next Horizen Broadening Game and discuss the ending of Gravity Bone. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_01_21_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:37am CST

Episode 118 - January 14th, 2009

Quick Game Updates, Spelunky, Special Guest Philip Kollar of Rebel FM & Previously of, What went down at 1Up, What it all means, Your Emails and more!

This week Phil Kollar joins us to talk about what went down at and how the future looks for the plucky, unemployed game journalists. We also delve into what this means for the industry as a whole and answer your email and voice questions. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_01_14_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Episode 117 - January 7th, 2009

Birth of America, Mount & Blade, World of Goo, Our Failed Predictions, The Games of 2009, Your Emails and more!

This week we're going to pick over the remains of our 2008 predictions and see how we made out. We also look at some of the more interesting games coming in 2009 and find out why Rob is the Ringo of the podcast. Please note that we recorded the show before the news on the apocalypse broke. Our thoughts ar with all the excellent folks who have lost their jobs. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_01_07_09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:14pm CST

Episode 116 - December 31st, 2008

Our Favorite Moments of 2008, Special Listener Contributions and more!

With all the holidays going on around here you just knew we were going to slack off eventually. This week we talk about some of our favorite moments of 2008 and not a whole lot else. There's also a tone of submissions from listeners of the show and we unveil our new call-in line! A special shout out to the fine folks from the podcast who all pitched in for a quick segment. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_12_31_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:09pm CST

Episode 115 - December 24th, 2008

A Little Persona 4, Rise of The Argonauts, Strong Bad's Season Finale, The WoW Contest Winner, LOTS of Your Emails and more!

This week we get caught up on a bunch of the emails we've been neglecting. We also announce the winner of the free year of WoW thanks to Devmani's generous donation! Some lovely new Christmas music inappropriate singing from the hosts and Cory "Dingleberry" Banks joins us for a very special holiday Conference Call. Merry Christmas everyone.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_12_24_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:03pm CST

Episode 114 - December 17th, 2008

Prince of Persia, Mirror's Edge, Lich King, Jeff Green & Shawn Elliott Join Us For The Whole Show, Shawn Elliott's Review Symposium, 1up's Rumored Buyout, A New Contest (Win a Free Year of WoW!) Your Emails and more!

What better way to celebrate the near-holidays than listen in as Jeff Green and Shawn Elliott reunite on the Confrence Call for their first audio conversation since their time at 1UP. How their jobs are going, Shawn Elliott's review symposium, what we've all been playing and so many other topics I can't possibly list them all here!

We're also announcing a new contest! You have a chance to win a free year of WoW, a custom Christmas card only Blizzard employees received and a free code to change your avatar's gender, name and hairstyle! What a prize! All you need to do is email and tell us how you'd celebrate the holidays in Azeroth. Deadline is December 20th, 5:00 pm CST. Thanks to Devmani for donation the prize!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.
Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_12_17_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:33am CST

Episode 113 - December 10th, 2008

Prince of Persia, Resident Evil 5, Fallout 3: For The Masses, Word Flow, Bread Crumbs And Game Difficulty, Your Emails and more!

This week's Conference Call has been produced specifically for the masses. I'm not sure what that means, but I'm given to understand we'll be rich soon. Rich!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_12_10_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:29am CST

Episode 112 - December 3rd, 2008

Strong Bad Episode 4, Penny Arcade Episode 2, Left 4 Dead, Valkyria Chronicles, All Things Coop Games, Your Emails and more!

This week we have an intimate threesome (ewww) as Elysium battles Mephistopheles in the very heart of his recording computer. Coop games, why they're awesome and what can ruin the fun. Plus, Rabbit tries to beat the MMORPG horse some more. Stop, stop, it's already dead! I love the fact that I get to write this part.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_12_03_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:25am CST

Episode 111 - November 26th, 2008

Lich King Impressions, Gears of War 2, Left 4 Dead, Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir, Valkyria Chornicles, Playstation Home, Little Big Rabbit, Fable 2, Your Emails and more!

This week Michael Zenke drops some serious science on Wrath of The Lich King and its place in the MMORPG pantheon. We also go into some depth on a ton more games as the winter deluge finally slows down.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_11_26_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:05pm CST

Episode 110 - November 19th, 2008

Wrath of The Witchlysium, Resistance 2, End War, Mirror's Edge, Gears of War 2, An Interview With Bethesda's Pete Hines, Your Emails and more!

This week Jullian Murdoch and Michael Zenke lob softballs across the plate for Pete Hines to knock out of the park. We also cover a crazy amount of games, your emails and some new audio submissions.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_11_19_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:01pm CST

Episode 109 - November 12th, 2008

Left 4 Dead, Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, Fable 2, Delivering Game Story, Special Guest Shawn Elliott, Your Emails and more!

2k Boston's Shawn Elliott, joins us to talk about what we're playing, how things are going at the new digs, story in games and retractable hummingbird tongues.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_11_12_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:41am CST

Episode 108 - November 5th, 2008

Little Big Planet, Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, Fable 2, What Takes Games To The Next Level, Your Emails and more!

This week We talk about that hard-to-pin-down element that takes a game to the upper echelons of greatness. I'd write more but this American election has totally worn me out.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_11_05_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:36am CST

Episode 107 -  October 28th, 2008

An Early Show! Fallout 3, Fable 2, Guitar Hero World Tour, Far Cry 2, Your Emails and more!

This week we bust out the show a day early so you can have a spoiler-free taste of fallout 3 as the game hits shelves. Don't get too comfortable, we'll be back to Wednesdays as usual next week. There are so many games to talk about, that's pretty much the whole show! Your wonderful e-mails too. of course.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_10_28_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:43pm CST

Episode 106 - October 22nd, 2008

Dead Space, SOCOM: Free Headset, Fallout 3, Galcon, Tough Questions With Shawn, Your Emails and more!

We had a full five man recording this week just in case Elysium had to run out and deliver a baby. Shawn uses the opportunity to ask some tricky industry questions to his distinguished co-hosts and everyone gets their balls broken over something. Good times.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_10_22_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:39pm CST

Episode 105 - October 15th, 2008

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Little Big Planet, A ton of Your Emails and more!

This week we're buried under such a big pile of awesome emails we hunker down and read them all! Shawn tears into The Force Unleashed and Rabbit humps Little Big Planet.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_10_15_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:35pm CST

Episode 104 - October 8th, 2008

Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway, Elysium Gets a Wii, First We Will Break You Before We Rebuild You, Your Emails and more!

I'm going to go ahead and call this the triumphant return of Shawn, Sean, and Rob. We talk about teaching folks to play games, how to run their lives and even the ramifications of the economic apocalypse. Just what you're looking for in a gaming podcast!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_10_08_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:05am CST

Episode 103 - October 1st, 2008

Warhammer Online, WipeOut HD, Dirty Gaming Gossip, An Interview With Brutal Legend's Tim Schafer, Your Emails and more!

Cory Banks, Michael Zenke and Julian Murdoch are in full effect this week while the rest of the gang take a well earned break. Julian has demanded that I mention he even produced the show himself on his new MacBook Air and it only took him five minutes or something. La de da.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_10_01_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:05pm CST

Episode 102 - September 24th, 2008

Warhammer Online, Crysis Warhead, NHL09, STALKER Clear Sky, Force Unleashed iPod, Peggle Nights, Special Guest Shawn "Going To 2K Boston" Elliott, Your Emails and more!

This week we're very pleased to welcome Shawn Elliott for his first guest appearance on the show! We go deep on a whole bunch of titles, the PC gaming industry, release schedules, game design, funny stories and more! He may very well be our best guest since Jeff Green!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_09_24_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:43am CST

Episode 101 - September 17th, 2008

Spore, Tales of Vesperia, SOCOM: Confrontation, NHL 2009, Viva Pinata: TIP,, Special Guest Jeff "Going To EA" Green, Your Emails and more!

Just because we've done 100 shows doesn't mean we're letting up! This week Jeff Green joins us as he comes off his epic career as a game journalist and stands at the cusp of entering game development working for EA on the Sims franchise. We delve deeper into his future at EA, talk about ton of games and see what we think of Ensemble closing and Elysium's Iron Balls.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_09_17_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:29pm CST

Episode 100 - September 10th, 2008

Mercenaries 2, Final Fantasy Tactics A2, Special Guest Ken Levine!, A Mystery Song ... , Fun, Frivolity, Your Emails and more!

Triple digits, baby! This week we celebrate our 100th epsiode with friend of the show and PAX keynote speaker Ken Levine! What else could we possibly have in store for you? Well, I'd hate to spoil the surprises. Big thanks to Podunk as usual for his rocking tunes and Slumberland for well, you'll find out.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_09_10_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:12am CST

Episode 99 - September 3rd, 2008

Mercenaries 2, Smacking Around QT3, Left 4 Dead, Gears of War 2, Rock Band 2, Hothead Games, Dragon Age Construction, Sins of a Solar Empire Expansions, PAX Coverage Galore, Your Emails and more!

This week Shawn, Elysium and Julian are left hodling down the fort while Rob and Cory yuk it up at PAX! We have a ton of coverage from the show including interviews on Rock Band 2, Hothead Games, Sins of a Solar Empire and Luna's angelic singing voice. Make sure you read the show ntoes to see more pictures from PAX, including the GWJ Slap & Tickle!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.
Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_09_03_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:30pm CST

Episode 98 - August 27, 2008

Warhammer Online, Too Human, Bionic Commando Rearmed, Force Unleashed, Strong Bad's Cool Game, Chrono Trigger, Trying To Do Too Much, Your Emails and more!

Feels like forever since we had a proper show, does it not? This week we're all back in our comfy seats and going right into a whole whack of new games. We also talk about games trying to please everyone and failing magnificently.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_08_27_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:10pm CST

Episode Supplemental - August 20, 2008

An Interview With Bioware's David Gaider About Dragon Age!

Good news and bad news I'm afraid. The good news is we have an interview with the lead writer of Bioware's upcoming PC RPG, Dragon Age. The bad news is the show we recorded at Gen Con got lost in a flurry of new technology. Rob muttered something about frequencies, chipmunks and not being able to slow down the audio track but I kind of quit paying attention by that point. We'll try and round up the highlights next week.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_08_20_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:59am CST

Episode 97 - August 13, 2008

Braid, Geometry Wars 2, Multiple Narratives In Games, Your Emails and more!

Everyone is back in the saddle this week on our last show before Gencon. In fact, we might have some special edition Gencon audio pieces throughout the rest of the week! So Keep an eye on the page.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_08_13_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:54am CST

Episode 96 - August 6th, 2008

SoulCalibur IV, Madden 2009, Geometry Wars 2, Our Jobs, Silly Questions, Your Emails and more!

This week Cory "Demiurge" Banks rejoins the podcast as we gang-tackle your emails. Thanks to Doubtingthomas for his uhhh ... special break music. More cowbell indeed.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_08_06_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:05am CST

Episode 95 - July 30th, 2008

PixelJunk Eden, 1942: Joint Strike, Everquest 2 ... Wait, What? The Rise of Cooperative Gaming, Your Emails and more!

This week Michael Zenke Joins us as we bring cooperative gaming under the microscope. We mostly try and convince Sean to play with us ... and we'll probably end up winning that argument by default. Just give it a couple of years.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_07_30_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:12pm CST

Episode 94 - July 23rd, 2008

Too Human, Some E3 Thoughts, An Interview With Dr. Horrible's Felicia Day, Batman, Your Emails and more!

This week, we reminisce about the wonder that was Dr. Horrible with geek-heartthrob Felicia Day. She does a little dance with Rabbit about why humor is so freaking hard, and what she's really looking for in a ... game.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_07_23_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:42am CST

Episode 93 - July 16th, 2008

Alone in The Dark, iPhone Games Galore, Civilization Revolution, Flagship Troubles, The Ultimate Email Show and more!

This week I completely forget to mention that our Games You Can Play Now sponsor was submitted by Higgledy. Sorry dude. For those of you who wanted a longer cast. we've got you covered thanks to a metric ton of great emails!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_07_16_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:35am CST

Episode 92 - July 9th, 2008

A New Audio Sponsor From Mick Mize, Playing D&D 4.0 Online, The Cross-Pollination of RPG Gaming, Diablo III, Your Emails and more!

This week Michael Zenke joins us as we educate our listeners in the finer points of pen and paper roleplaying games, the crossover with video gaming and what kind of D&D 4.0 games we'd like to see. We also tackle some saucy new emails on Spore, Diablo III, tossing rabbit's salad and more.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_07_09_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:29am CST

Episode 91 - July 2nd, 2008

Wii Fit Fat Bastards, Battlefield Bad Company, Ticket To Ride, EA's Scott Blackwood Tells Us All About Developing Skate For The Wii Balance Board, A New Audio Sponsor, PS3 mea Culpa... Kind Of, Your Emails and more!

Since the announcement of the Wii Balance Board, we've been sure some kind of skateboarding game would follow soon after. Lucky for us, it's the team behind EA's detailed, realistic Skate franchise taking the first shot at it. Julian Grills Scott on developing for the board, how far along in development they are and how it all works. We also have a new audio sponsor from Mike Eberhardt and an audio email from the Lord of Leisure himself!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_07_02_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:22am CST

Episode 90 - June 25th, 2008

Ninja Gaiden II, Dragonball Z Burst Limit, Umbrella Chronicles, The Big Rest-of-2008 Preview, A New Audio Sponsor, Your Emails and more!

This week we all join hands and raise them together in a beautiful dance of hope and uncomfortable heterosexuality. We talk about all the games we're looking forward to for the rest of the year and give a brief rundown of upcoming conventions. We also have a new audio sponsor and an audio email from Benoit Casey! Say, he did the music too ... That guy gets around.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_06_25_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Episode 89 - June 18th, 2008

Metal Gear Solid 4, Video Game Buy In, An Interview With John Carmack, A Missive From The District 97, Your Emails and more!

We're very pleased this week to have an interview with John Carmack! He doesn't talk the kind of Rage you expect. That's right my friends, game patents and copyright issues! The rest of the time we talk about Metal Gear Solid 4, buying into games and your sweet, tender emails.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_06_18_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:01pm CST

Episode 88 - June 11th, 2008

D&D 4.0, Bourne Identity, Civ IV Console Style, Video Games Live Post Show, The Cinemafication of Gaming, Your Emails and more!

The week we talk about all the reasons, the Bourne Identity game sucks. Shocker! We also talk about gaming cutscenes, seizing control from the player and why slow walking is okay if you really need to chat.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.
Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_06_11_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Episode 87 - June 4th, 2008

Age of Conan, Everyone Is So Angry At Us, Interview With Tommy Tallarico on Video Games Live And Game Music, Your Emails and more!

This week we have a special interview with Tommy Tallarico, a man you may recognize from his many years on TV co-hosting Electric Playground, plus appearances on G4. He's currently touring the world, exposing the masses to video game music through orchestras, light shows and hot guitar riffs.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_06_04_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Episode 86 - May 28th, 2008

Age of Conan Deep Thoughts, Penny Arcade's New Game, The Bad Boys of Gaming, Demographics, Multiple Endings, Your Emails and more!

This week we realize just how drunk we'd get playing the rabbit drinking game. From turtles to terrorists, we also talk about gaming bad guys through the ages and some of our favorites. Big thanks to Benoit Casey for the new tune! This podcast only has one ending, but Shawn wishes there were a few more.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_05_28_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Episode 85 - May 21st, 2008

Age of Conan Launch & Impressions, Lost Winds, Hype Hype Hype! Your Emails and more!

This week a very tired Shawn Andrich (stupid Age of Conan) slacks off on the show notes so he can go to bed. On the podcast we discuss hype, Age of Conan, why Michael Zenke is awesome and your sumptuous emails.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_05_21_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:17pm CST

Episode 84 - May 14th, 2008

Boom Blox, Bourne Craptacular, Haze, Echo Chrome, Spore, Former Civ IV Lead And Current Designer on Spore Special Guest Soren Johnson, The State of Strategy, Working With Will Wright and Sid Meier, Your Emails and more!

This week Soren Johnson joins us to talk about the state of the strategy genre, working with gaming legends and what we should be looking out for in the future. Julian reveals his mail gaming roots and Shawn finds a way to compare Boom Blox and Sins of a Solar Empire. Check out the comments section for an easy link to Rat Boy's epic GTA IV audio email!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_05_14_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:19am CST

Episode 83 - May 7th, 2008

Age of Conan, Mario Kart, Grand Theft Auto IV, Rob Off The Rails, Your Emails and more!

Michael Zenke joins us for our in-depth impressions of Grand Theft Auto IV. Does Sean still hate it? Will the vein on Rob's forehead burst? Can Michael inject some sanity into the conversation?!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_05_07_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:51am CST

Episode 82 - April 30th, 2008

Okami Wii, Metal Gear Solid Online, Mario Kart Wii, Lost Cities, Fitting In Games, Stories, Your Emails and more!

The gang is all here as we discuss our gaming lifestyles and some of the latest games to hit the scene. We also revive the Thread of the Week, tackle your emails and listen to Rob's impotent rage.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_04_30_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Episode 81 - April 23rd, 2008

GWJ Vs. Control Point, Ken Levine on In-Game Ads, Matt Wilson on The Agency, Our RISK: Black OPS Contest Winner! and a little more!

We're Taking a bit of a breather this week but you wouldn't know it listening to the show. Ken Levine on in-game ads, Matt Wilson on the upcoming MMO The Agency, a new audio bit from Rob and our big Risk: Black Ops contest winner!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_04_23_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:29am CST

Episode 80 - April 16th, 2008

Mythos the Mythosining, Mr. Jeff Green From ... *sigh* The PC Hub, Our RISK: Black OPS Contest, Your Emails and more!

After a long, arduous trek through the jungle we unearthed an ancient relic from the temple of glossy paper. Mr. Jeff Green joins us and he's so awesome, we lost an entire chunk of the show. Sorry about that ... but still awesome!

Thanks to GWJ contributer Michael Zenke you win a limited edition Risk: Black Ops (the upcoming Hasbro board game) in our glorious new contest! All you have to do is send in a funny picture that involves a board game of some kind to! What could be easier!? Deadline is April 19th!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_04_16_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:13pm CST

Episode 79 - April 9th, 2008

Dark Sector, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Mythos Revitalized, Rock Band Malfunctions, Michael Zenke, From, A Chance To Win A limited Edition Risk: Black Ops, Your Glorious Emails and More!

We called and you answered! We got so many emails this week we're dedicating the whole show to them. Not only do we have a new GWJ contributer Michael Zenke joining us, he was kind enough to offer a limited edition of Risk: Black Ops (the upcoming Hasbro board game) for a glorious new contest! All you have to do is send in a funny picture that involves a board game of some kind to! What could be easier!?

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_04_09_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Episode 78 - April 2nd, 2008

Viking: Battle For Asgard, Dark Sector, A Token British Guy, Chris Ainsworth From Petroglyph, Universe At War 360, Cross Platform Futures, Games For Windows Live, Your Emails and more!

This week we're joined by two very special guests. First up we have the Lord of Leisure, Mr. Paul Hughes, joining us from across the pond. Petroglyph's Chris Ainsworth also jumps in and discusses cross-platform play, the new Universe at War Xbox 360 release and Games For Windows Live among many other things.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_04_02_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:17pm CST

Episode 77 - March 26th, 2008

Rainbow Six Vegas 2, The Graveyard, Taking Games For Serious Reals, A New Audio Sponsor, Your Emails and more!

This week we dig deep into what happens when we dig deep into our gaming and our groups. Elysium expresses his love for living under Shawn's iron rule, DooMunky sponsors Games You Can Play Now and Rob ... says stuff. I think. So does Julian.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_03_26_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:28am CST

Episode 76 - March 19th, 2008

Hot Army of Two Blind Dates, NHL 08, Super Smash Bros Wii, Professor Layton, The GWJ Wild Online Kingdom, Blair Fraser From Ironclad Games Talks Sins of a Solar Empire, Future Patches & Expansions And Making It In The PC Industry, Your Emails and more!

This week Blair Fraser joins us to talk all about Sins of a Solar Empire, the PC RTS that is taking the community by storm. We talk about the latest patch and what we can expect from future downloads. Oh, what's that you say? Exclusive news about a new expansion? Go oooooon. *steeples fingers* We also have a great new feature from momgammer!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_03_19_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:03pm CST

Episode 75 - March 12th, 2008

God of War PSP, Spanking Team Fremont, Two Charming Gentlemen From Turbine Join the Show and Discuss the Future of MMORPGs!, Your Emails and more!

This week Cardell Kerr and David Lennon from Turbine join us to talk about new Lord of the Rings Online features and the future of MMORPGs! We also have a special segment from The Lord of Leisure (samfisher) and plenty of emails to go around! Special thanks to Daniel Lawrence Walker and Eiko Ishiwata for the new music in the last couple weeks!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_03_12_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:08am CST

Episode 74 - March 5th, 2008

Patapon, Hellgate Uninstalled, LOTRO, TFL Crushes Us, Ironlore Gone, Competition Complex, Your Emails and more!

This week we eat some crow served up by the Team Fremont community. We also get into the thrill (avoidance) of competition, Ironlore closing their doors and a ton more. We're winging it!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_03_05_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:22am CST

Episode 73 - February 27th, 2008

More Sins, Iron Dukes, Special Guest Michael "Zonk" Zenke From GDC! Developers Go Hog Wild, Emails and more!

This week Michael Zenke fills us in on his GDC experience. We talk about all the latest from the convention and get the inside scoop on why MMO developers seem to be on the verge of an all out cage match. We also have an awesome audio email!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_02_27_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:33am CST

Episode 72 - February 20th, 2008

Lost Odyssey, Sins of a Solar Empire, Devil May Cry 4 Finished, Emails, Emails, Emails and more!

It's all hands on deck this week as we do a show dedicated to your awesome emails! Every topic under the sun is discussed because you guys are just so damn smart. We also have some fresh tunes from the wonderful Ian "Podunk" Dorsch!

The live show plans fell through thanks to Skype server problems. We'll try again during a weeknight at some point soon!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_02_20_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:07am CST

Episode 71 - February 13th, 2008

Sins of a Solar Empire, Devil May Cry 4, Poker Smash, Panzer Tactics, EA Admits They're ... Wrong? The John Denver Of The Gaming Industry, Your Emails and more!

This week Shawn, Elysium and Julian ponder the gaming industry and whether or not the creators will ever stand up for their games in the media. We also talk a little about EA's John Riccitello and his tasty serving of humble pie.

This Saturday we're going to try doing a live recording through Ustream at 7PM CST. If you want a taste of a live recording, or a total train wreck, be sure to keep an eye on the front page this Friday for more info!

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_02_13_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am CST

Episode 70 - February 6th, 2008

Rez HD, Call of Duty Future, WoW Relapse, Wii 3rd Party, Steamworks, EA Gets a Bad Rap, Interfaces, Your Emails and more!

We have a topic buffet this week so everyone brought something to the table. The end result? Sleepiness and gas, mostly. Stay tuned for a date and time for the upcoming LIVE Conference Call with your opportunity to call in and join the show! More Details in the next show.

To contact us, email
Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined.

Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_02_06_08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am CST