Tue, 29 December 2015
This week Amanda, Sean, Cory, Allen and Shawn talk about Julian's top 5 games of the year and some other stuff! |
Thu, 24 December 2015
Join Julian, Russ Pitts, Rob Borges and Rob "Tanglebonitis" Starobin as they spoil The Force Awakens. |
Wed, 23 December 2015
This week Julian, Amanda, Allen and Shawn talk about Julian's top 5 games of the year and some other stuff! |
Fri, 18 December 2015
Tue, 15 December 2015
This week Shawn, Elysium, Amanda, Cory and Allen Talk about some of their favorite games and experiences in 2015! |
Wed, 9 December 2015
Direct download: GWJ_Conference_Call_F4_spoiler_section.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:07pm CST |
Tue, 8 December 2015
This week Shawn, Elysium, Julian and Allen talk about character development vs. plot and video games. What a surprise! |
Tue, 1 December 2015
This week Cory, Elysium and Julian talk about holiday games and a whole lot more! |
Tue, 24 November 2015
This week Shawn, Amanda, Elysium and Julian talk about lots of games and get caught up on some emails! |
Tue, 17 November 2015
This week Shawn, Elysium, Julian, Amanda and Allen talk a lot of Fallout 4 and game companions! |
Wed, 11 November 2015
This week Julian Murdoch, Allen Cook, Sean Sands and Shawn Andrich talk hot new games, new PCs and the kind of difference real places make in games. |
Tue, 3 November 2015
This week Julian Murdoch, Allen Cook and Shawn Andrich are joined by the real power behind GWJ, Jeff Beeman! |
Tue, 27 October 2015
This week Shawn, Julian, Amanda and Rob Zacny talk a ton of games! We also have a new reading from Graham Rowat. |
Tue, 20 October 2015
Steam Controller and Link, Wasteland 2: Director's Cut, Mad Max, Downwell, Special Guest Ian "Podunk" Dorsch Talking Game Music, The Debut of The Meeples Song 'Portland', Your Emails and More! |
Tue, 13 October 2015
This week the GWJ crew is joined by community guest Michael Foster (Skiptron!). We discuss a lot of games and the games we've spent the most time in. |
Tue, 6 October 2015
This week Sean Sands, Julian Murdoch, Allen Cook and Shawn Andrich talk a whole mess of games and why they don't play realistic shooters quite so much. |
Mon, 5 October 2015
Julian Murdoch, Allen Cook, Erik Hanson, Shawn and Karla Andrich spoiler the heck out of The Beginner's Guide and delve into their unique reactions to the game. |
Sat, 3 October 2015
David Heron and Shawn Andrich give you all the Metal Gear Solid V you could ever need. |
Tue, 29 September 2015
This week Cory Banks is getting married. Join us mere hours from the ceremony! |
Wed, 23 September 2015
This week Shawn, Elysium, and Allen talk franchises jumping the shark and whatever weird stuff Allen is playing. |
Tue, 15 September 2015
This week Shawn, Elysium, Cory and Amoebic tackle so many GWJ forum threads! |
Tue, 8 September 2015
This week Shawn, Cory, Julian and community guest Sean McKenna (legopirate27) to talk about video games in education! |
Tue, 1 September 2015
This week Shawn, Julian, David Heron and Jeff Green talk about gameplay-less games and Environmental Digital Theatre. |
Tue, 25 August 2015
This week Shawn Andrich and Russ Pitts revisit the old GWJ Radio format for a special edition of the show! |
Tue, 18 August 2015
This week Sean Sands, Julian Murdoch and Rob Zacny talk payment models, their Rocket League love and more. |
Tue, 11 August 2015
This week Shawn, Cory and Allen are joined by the amazing Chelsea (Aeneia) who talks about her psychological research and work around the gaming community to promote more positive social behavior. |
Tue, 4 August 2015
Tue, 28 July 2015
This week the usual chuckle heads are joined by amazing GWJ community member Amoebic! She comes bearing trivia questions and more! |
Tue, 21 July 2015
This week Sean, Cory, Allen and Shawn catch up on emails and enjoy a nice Graham Rowat reading. |
Tue, 14 July 2015
This week Cory, Sean and Julian get back to normal and talk about couch coop games! |
Tue, 7 July 2015
Live from Maine we gather to celebrate Cory Bank's upcoming nuptials! |
Wed, 1 July 2015
Live from summer rabbitcon! Allen, McChuck, Sean, Julian and Shawn recount their board game and RPG adventures. |
Wed, 24 June 2015
This week Sean Sands, Julian, Allen and Shawn talk about their E3 impressions. We also have a segment with Jeff Cannata to talking his hands-on experiences at the show! |
Tue, 16 June 2015
Tue, 9 June 2015
This week Shawn, Elysium and Julian do an extreme amount of navel gazing and talk about how their history covering the industry. |
Tue, 2 June 2015
This week Cory, Allen, Shawn and Julian talk about some of their favorite amongst-NPC relationships. |
Tue, 26 May 2015
This week Shawn, Elysium, Julian and Allen talk Witcher 3 and get caught up on your emails! |
Tue, 19 May 2015
This week Julian, Elysium, Allen and Shawn talk about their default approaches to learning new games. |
Tue, 12 May 2015
This week Julian, Sean Sands and Shawn talk about how to guard your heart against cynicism. |
Tue, 5 May 2015
This week Sean Sands, Cory Banks and Allen Cook talk Early Access. |
Tue, 28 April 2015
This week Allen, Shawn, Julian and David Heron talk about Steam selling mods because that's still totally relevant! |
Tue, 21 April 2015
This week Shawn, Julian, Allen and Elysium talk game trailers, being bread and more! |
Tue, 14 April 2015
This week Allen, Elysium and Shawn talk about procedural games and stuff. |
Tue, 7 April 2015
This week Shawn, Julian and Rob Zacny hold it down for Easter weekend. We also feature a new reading by Graham Rowat! |
Tue, 31 March 2015
This week Shawn, Elysium and Julian are joined by Jeff Green to talk about games making us feel foolish. |
Tue, 24 March 2015
This week Julian, Cory, Allen and Sean Sands are joined by Captain Forever Remix dev Dean Tate! |
Tue, 17 March 2015
This week Shawn, Elysium and Allan are joined by GWJ Writer JR Ralls to talk about his new Kickstarter launch! |
Wed, 11 March 2015
Live from PAX East 2015! |
Tue, 3 March 2015
This week Shawn and Julian are joined by the excellent Lara Crigger! |
Tue, 24 February 2015
This week David Heron and Micael Zenke join Sean and Allen talk about games as service. |
Tue, 17 February 2015
This week Shawn, Julian and Elysium are joined by Shawn Elliott to talk about subverting game design! |
Tue, 10 February 2015
This week the GWJ crew are joined by Soren Johnson to talk Offworld Trading Company and more! |
Tue, 3 February 2015
This week Shawn, Cory, Rob Zacny and Elysium talk games and lots of your emails! |
Wed, 28 January 2015
Julian Murdoch and Amanda Cosmos tell you all about Pidgeon Dating in Hatoful Boyfriend! |
Tue, 27 January 2015
This week Shawn, Elysium, Cory and Allen talk about their ongoing relationship with multiplayer gaming. |
Tue, 20 January 2015
It's bold prediction time! |
Tue, 13 January 2015
This week Shawn, Allen and Elysium talk about their most anticipated games of 2015! |
Tue, 6 January 2015
Live from rabbitcon 2015! |