Wed, 29 July 2009
Episode 146 - July 29th, 2009
Demon's Souls, Madden 10 Demo, Shatter, Our Live Three Year Anniversary, Revisiting Game Violence, Studio Audience Questions and more! It's our three year anniversary and we did a live show this past weekend to celebrate! This is an edited version of that event, so sit back, relax and enjoy. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563. To contact us, email Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. |
Wed, 22 July 2009
Episode 145 - July 22nd, 2009
Worms iPhone, Blood Bowl, What You Don't Know About Trash Panic, Fallout 3 Modding, Talkin' Bout Grunts, Live Show This Saturday, Your Emails and more! This week we dig deep for new game discussion and talk about all the red shirt enemies we wade through in our games. Stay tuned on Saturday, July 25th (8pm EST) for our live show as we celebrate our three year annivesary! If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563. To contact us, email Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. |
Wed, 15 July 2009
Episode 144 - July 15th, 2009
Trine, Jules Verne's Return to Mysterious Island, Doom resurrection, Tales of Monkey Island, Worms 2 XBLA, Are Game Developers Losing Confidence In Their Audience? Your Emails and more! As promised, we clock in with a good ol'fashioned Conference Call this week. Lots of games, an obtuse topic of discussion and plenty of emails comlete with bonus commentary on the quality of writing. Special thanks to Robert Ashley's I Come To Shanghai for some music from their album! If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563. To contact us, email Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. |
Wed, 8 July 2009
Episode 143 - July 8th, 2009
A Little Something Different This Week, D&D Chat, Russ Pitts From The Escapist, Elyisum & His Wife, Your Emails and more! With everyone wrapped up in holiday festivities and weddings, we did the show a bit differently this week. Rather than sit down to record the show together, we all pitched in on our own time and submitted some audio. These segments were than stitched together by the insane rantings of one Gorgeous Rob Borges. Hope you like it! We're back to a regular show next week. if you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563. To contact us, email Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. |
Wed, 1 July 2009
Episode 142 - July 1st, 2009
Arma 2, Overlord II, Trine, Zonk's Impressions of Mass Effect iPhone, King's Bounty, Special Guest Chris Remo From Idle Thumbs! A First Look At Dungeons & Dragons Online Free to Play Change, id Goes Bethesda's Way, Bioware Mates With Mythic, Our Contest Winners, Your Emails and more! This week Chris Remo joins us to talk games, news and his strong, principled stance against piracy, Gamefaqs and murder! We also have a special hands-on look at the new Dungeons & Dragons Online free to play system and announce our GoG contest winners. You people are spoiled. Spoiled! If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563. To contact us, email Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. |