Wed, 10 June 2009
Episode 139 - June 10th, 2009
Red Faction: Guerrilla, Sims 3, inFamous, Uncharted 2 Beta, Overlord II Demo, Our Lesser Known E3 Picks, Your Emails and more! This week Michael Zenke joins us to discuss the aftermath of E3 and some of the lesser noticed games from the show. We also delve into some of our favorites and bask in the afterglow of a rather excellent E3. If you want to submit a question or comment call in to our voicemail line at (612) 284-4563. To contact us, email Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. |