Tue, 18 March 2008
Episode 76 - March 19th, 2008
Hot Army of Two Blind Dates, NHL 08, Super Smash Bros Wii, Professor Layton, The GWJ Wild Online Kingdom, Blair Fraser From Ironclad Games Talks Sins of a Solar Empire, Future Patches & Expansions And Making It In The PC Industry, Your Emails and more! This week Blair Fraser joins us to talk all about Sins of a Solar Empire, the PC RTS that is taking the community by storm. We talk about the latest patch and what we can expect from future downloads. Oh, what's that you say? Exclusive news about a new expansion? Go oooooon. *steeples fingers* We also have a great new feature from momgammer! To contact us, email call@gamerswithjobs.com Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about or whatever else is on your mind. You can even send a send us an audio question or comment (MP3 format please) if you're so inclined. |